News – Dropified Find It - Sell It - Profit - Repeat Fri, 20 May 2022 05:57:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News – Dropified 32 32 The Dropified Story (So Far)… Thu, 05 Dec 2019 23:36:26 +0000 Ever wonder how Dropified started? Our founder recently sat down with Paris Vega of the First Customers podcast to tell his story.

You can listen below or read on for the story.

How Dropified Began

Dropified, the world’s leading dropship automation tool, was created in 2015 by Chase Bowers.

Entrepreneurship has always been in Chase’s blood, and he began his journey in earnest in 2005 during his time in college, setting up the foundation for his businesses over the next decade.

He eventually worked as a digital marketing consultant to keep cash flowing to cover expenses and support his family while experimenting with side projects. 

Fast forward to 2015, he decided to take a big leap toward his dreams by investing $10,000 into a business mastermind run by (his now friend) Chris Record.

It was in this mastermind where the inspiration to create Dropified came from after watching a fellow mastermind member (who had actually spent time in prison) start up a dropshipping business that quickly made $30,000 in a short amount of time. 

Wanting to get involved in dropshipping himself, but not wanting to get stuck performing all the daily tasks it takes to run a dropshipping business, Chase hired a developer to create a Chrome extension to help him automate many of those tasks, saving him a ton of time in the process.

This Chrome extension was created for his personal use, but after he showed it to his fellow mastermind members, they wanted to pay him to use it in their own businesses as well.

Now realizing that there could be a market for his dropshipping app, he partnered with Chris Record to give away this new software as a bonus to anyone that bought Chris’ new “How to start a dropshipping business” course that was being released.

Now with over 1,000 new users getting the software as a bonus, Chase spent the next two weeks improving it based on their feedback on new suggestions and squashing bugs along the way.

With this new and improved version, Chase began to test market demand by launching a special limited resale offer for Lifetime Membership for the first 50 people to sign up.

After those spots were taken in less than two days, he opened up 50 more spots, and those spots were sold right away as well.

With those 100 founding members on board, Chase realized he had more than a winning product – he actually had a winning business.

So, instead of just continuing to sell more spots, he decided to shut down the sales for the next 6 months and re-invest the $30,000 he raised so that he could build out the foundation of a solid application and really build the foundation of his business.

Then in 2016, after he had built in a lot of powerful new features and squashed all the bugs and other issues his beta users had reported, he was ready to launch Dropified (it was originally named Shopified) to the world in a big way.

On the first day he launched, he did over $100,000 in sales and ended the week with over $700,000 in sales.

Those 6 months of reinvesting the money and really building out Dropified had paid off in a big way, and he ended 2016 with over $1,000,000 in product sales.

Over the next several years, Chase not only continued his focus on improving Dropified, but he began to invest more in the team surrounding him so that he could offer both world-class software and support.

In 2017, Chase partnered with serial entrepreneur Lowell Rempel, and in January 2018, Lowell officially joined the company as the Co-CEO with Chase, to help grow Dropified into the premier Dropshipping app on the market. 

Lowell brought with him decades of experience from having started, run and sold dozens of software businesses for millions of dollars. 

Chase, Lowell and the over 30 employees on the Dropified team, have continued to grow and improve Dropified, so much that Dropified was ranked at #55 on the 2019 Inc. 5000 with three-year revenue growth of 4,971%!

While Dropified was ranked #55 in the fastest-growing companies in the nation, it was also recognized as the #1 Fastest Growing Company in Alabama and #1 in Top Business Products & Services Companies.

Chase commented, “We are very excited for what the future holds as we continue to grow by focusing on creating more value for our drop ship business owners around the world.”

Now with over 44,000 users, Dropified is the best and most fully-automated dropshipping software on the market.

Not content with simply staying up with the market, the Dropified team has been quietly building a new system behind the scenes that will revolutionize the dropshipping industry, and lead it into the next decade.

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Dropified Named #55 Fastest Growing Private Company On The Inc 5000 2019 List! Wed, 04 Sep 2019 18:35:09 +0000 We’re really proud to announce that Dropified was just ranked #55 on the Inc 5000 2019 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. 

The list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment — its independent small businesses. Microsoft, Dell, Domino’s Pizza, Pandora, Timberland, LinkedIn, Yelp, Zillow, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000.

Not only was Dropified ranked #55 overall out of 5000 small business, but we were also recognized as the #1 Fastest Growing Company in the state of Alabama and ranked #1 in the Top Business Products & Services Companies category.

Those ranks are represented by the fact that we’ve grown over 4,971% since 2015.

That is a massive amount of growth in the last few years, and we couldn’t have done it without YOU… our amazing customers and our amazing team.

Here’s what Chase Bowers and Lowell Rempel, our Co-CEO’s here at Dropified had to say about this humbling achievement and recognition:

“It’s an honor to be a part of the 2019 Inc. 5000 list. We started with 2 people in a basement 4 years ago and have grown to around 30 team members. I feel like we are just getting started on where we can go with helping e-commerce business owners.” 

Chase Bowers, Dropified Founder and Co-CEO

“Wow – what a total honor to be a part of the 2019 Inc. 5000 list. We would never have made it here if it weren’t for our culture, our absolutely amazing team and of course our customers over the last 4 years. I’d especially like to thank my business partner  Chase Bowers for assisting in creating and executing the vision and culture of a team that supports, believes and delivers to our amazing & growing customers! And we’re just getting started.”

Lowell Rempel, Dropified Co-CEO.

Yes, as Chase and Lowell said – we are only just getting started!

We have so many new features and updates coming, along with some big, industry-changing announcements coming out soon, and they are all born out of ideas from our customers and responding to their needs.

This is exactly why we’ve been able to grow so big, so fast…

…by listening to our customers, investing time and money into Dropified and building a company culture that brings in the best and brightest minds that always have our customers best interest in mind.

As we continue to grow, know that we’re always focused on a few core goals:

  1. Being on the cutting edge of technology and innovations when it comes to designing and rolling out new automations and features that power our customers businesses through Dropified.
  2. Doing whatever it takes to help our customers grow their businesses, no matter what experience level they have.
  3. Investing into our internal team to create a culture that is customer-centric and experience-focused, and that have solid skills and actually give a damn.

That is what has powered our growth, and what will continue to help Dropified grow and continue to be the premier dropshipping automation app on the market today.

So Thank YOU once again for helping us grow so quickly…

…and for trusting Dropified – the app and the team behind the app – to help you power your stores so you focus on growing and scaling your business!

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Start Your First E-commerce Shop with Free Training: The Dropified 60-Day Challenge Wed, 17 Oct 2018 17:47:39 +0000 If owning a small business has been a long-time dream, but you haven’t had the right opportunity to create your own side-gig or part-time business, we want you to learn more about e-commerce.

We have a great free opportunity for you to learn everything there is to know about drop shipping; it’s called the Dropified 60-Day Challenge.

Did you know that for less than $500 in start-up costs, you can build your own Shopify, Woocommerce, or CommerceHQ store, and start reselling new products from manufacturers in the United States and China?

The world’s largest e-commerce wholesale site has thousands of vendors and unique products that you can sell on your independent retail site.

For a healthy profit.

In fact, the wholesale prices available through AliExpress are going to help you understand how much mark-up the average consumer pays on goods that are sourced from American and Chinese manufacturers.

Start by checking out some of the products on AliExpress to see what we mean (and don’t be surprised if you find a few products you’ve already seen in big box stores, for a lot more money).

Now you are probably thinking that it sounds “too good to be true” but consumer spending is rapidly shifting from malls and brick and mortar stores, to e-commerce.

Think about the popularity of shopping sites like Amazon or eBay.  You could climb in your car and spend hours fighting traffic, crowds of people and shopping carts with wobbly wheels (we hate those), or you could simplify your purchase experience by finding what you want online.

Which is definitely a preference for consumers, who want to find bargains, evaluate different unique gifts and trending technology, pet care or household items on their smartphone or desktop at home. 

It makes sense. 

Consumers save time and money, when they shop online, and with a keen eye for trending products and some administrative and customer service time, you can run your own independent e-commerce shop, and start earning revenues right away.

What Kind of Skills Are Required to Run an E-Commerce Store?

Do you need to have a Master of Business Administration or a degree in marketing, or advanced graphic design skills to run your first Shopify, Woocommerce or CommerceHQ store?

Not really.

In fact, most of the highest revenue earning stores we know were started with one simple attribute; a personal drive to create a profitable side (and possibly full-time) small business income.

It is the passion and drive that creates so many e-commerce success stories.  For some, success means growing their business to provide extra money for savings, or to tackle personal debt.

For others, it starts as a vision to create the balance and satisfaction in life that comes with being self-employed; and being able to prioritize family time with a work-from-home opportunity.

Here are some of the talents and core skills you’ll need to be able to set-up your first e-commerce store:

  • A natural instinct for trending products that everyone will want to buy (because you love online shopping too!)
  • A comfort level working with cloud-software like our Dropified e-commerce app.
  • A strong dedication to providing good customer service.
  • The ability to seek out and learn new methods of marketing and sales promotions that will help you increase traffic to your store (and sales).

If you are thinking that every successful store owner began by working in marketing and advertising first, you’d be wrong. 

With so many affordable online learning opportunities (and free training in our Dropified 60-Day Challenge) you can learn everything you need to know about setting up and running your first drop shipping store.

$50,000 in Prizes Including a Grand Prize Entrepreneur Bundle with an Apple MacBook

Now you’re talking, right? 

Not only is Dropified providing 60 full days of free e-commerce training, but we’ll also be giving away some amazing prizes that you will qualify for, simply by participating in our special 60-Day Challenge. We like to keep it fun, and help you stay focused and motivated to make your dream of owning an e-commerce drop shipping business a reality!

And what better way to challenge yourself to dive in and start selling, than the chance to win cash and merchandise rewards! Here are a few of the categories we will be awarding prizes for:

  • The first confirmed sale on a new e-commerce store by a participant.
  • Confirmed >$100 in sales.
  • Confirmed >$1,000 in sales
  • Confirmed >$10,000 in sales
  • Confirmed >$100,000 in sales
  • Most Successful Team of Stores (TBA Group Challenges)
  • Most Creative Advertising and Promotional campaigns.

Participants in our Dropified 60-Day Challenge will also receive extra entries for inviting family and friends to participate in our event!

Get your unique URL in your welcome email, and start sharing it on social to win more entries. But don’t stop there… seriously invite your family and friends to join you.

We don’t mean to make it “all competitive” but doing our Dropified 60-Day Challenge with a friend makes it even more fun. 

Who will make it through the entire training? 

Who is going to win a prize (or two) for participating, and better yet, who is going to be off to an AMAZING start with their new e-commerce business?

Ready to Learn How to Do It?  Sign Up for Our Free Dropified 60-Day Challenge

As a leading e-commerce SaaS solution provider, we do more than provide amazing software to make running a store easier; we actively work with our members through our support and free training resources, to help everyone scale and become a successful e-commerce entrepreneur.

Think of our Dropified 60-Day Challenge as a ‘crash course’ and daily step-by-step coaching, to help you launch your first e-commerce store. 

Maybe you already have a shop, but you aren’t sure how to grow your website traffic, or do effective customer recruitment for your store? 

Wherever you are at in terms of experience, our team is here to teach you all the secret methods that power sellers use to create HUGE revenues from products on AliExpress.

Do you have 60-days to create a new low-cost side-gig with huge revenue potential? 

Drop shipping is the ultimate side-gig and we have personally watched thousands of our Dropified members develop lucrative, high-profit stores, without the cost of retail store overhead, inventory purchasing and other expenses.

All you need is a good laptop (or desktop) computer, some time to learn and participate in our daily training modules, and a desire to create this income opportunity for yourself.

Be our next e-commerce success story and join us for our first comprehensive Dropified 60-Day Challenge for free training, coaching and expert insights from our team of e-commerce professionals.

Yes, you can make it happen (you just need someone to show you how to do it).   

Get started today by registering for our Dropified 60-Day Challenge and learn how to build, optimize, and promote your new e-commerce store like a power seller.

Make it happen this Fall, with Dropified!

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5 Website Tools You Should Be Using for Content Marketing and Customer Service Mon, 06 Aug 2018 01:04:10 +0000 When you have spent the time doing amazing product research, and you have built a visually appealing store, the next step is to evaluate what apps or tools you need on your website, to help convince and convert traffic to sales. 

Consumers enjoy buying from brands that are relevant, those that share a rich culture or passion for the products they sell. 

Doing that important storytelling all happens with content marketing, and how you share information that helps establish a relationship between you, and your e-commerce customers. 

We share five important content marketing tools you can use, to draw in website traffic, educate visitors about your products, and influence a positive purchase decision.

Social Media Sharing Buttons

People love to ask their friends and family for advice, when they are shopping online.  We’d like to say this is a female trait, but let’s be honest guys… we’re guilty of it too, especially for new tech gadgets, man cave items and other stuff.

What you want to do is make sure you are providing an easy way for any customer to share virtually anything on your website.  So that includes installing social media sharing buttons on your product pages, and on your blog. 

The more they share, the more potential your business has of tapping into new customers through word of mouth (WOM) advertising.

A Live Chat Bot

Online marketing and customer service are conducted on demand.  The consumer’s demand. 

When they have a question about shipping, or refunds or the product they are interested in, you have a very short window of time, before they move off to another website. 

When people want to buy… they really want to buy; not wait around for someone to get back to them, sometime. Maybe. Don’t be intimidated by the idea of installing a live chat bot app on your e-commerce site. 

They work seamlessly with smartphones, so when a customer has a question (if you use good software) that message will become a push notification on your smart phone. 

No matter where you are, you’ll be able to respond in real time to your customer (and that service, will help you earn the sale).

Email Subscriber

In the fast-paced culture of social media networking and instant messages, the idea of email marketing might seem antiquated.  After all, it takes a lot of work to create a visually compelling and interesting email to send to your customers. 

And then there is all that extra work to actually build your email list.

So, is it worth it?  Yes. 

Check out what WordStream had to say about email marketing conversions in this article “Is Email Marketing Effective? Three Examples That Prove It Is”

The article also provides some valuable tips for A/B testing email copy, so that you can see the kind of information and promotions that your customers respond well to.

Now back to growing that list of subscribers.  One of the biggest mistakes e-commerce business owners make is burying the “subscribe now” feature. 

If they can’t find it, they won’t use it, and you’ll be stuck sending emails only to family members and friends.  

Don’t laugh (okay maybe laugh), because it happens all the time until drop shippers learn the knack of growing their distribution list and managing it as a powerful sales tool.

A Prominently Featured Blog

Remember how we discussed early that one big mistake that e-commerce independent retailers make, is burying that email subscription button and call-to-action? 

Well, some people choose themes for their store where the blog is not prominently featured on the main navigational menu.   It’s hidden way at the bottom of their website, in the no-man’s land called the footer section.

Which for engagement, is like marketing Siberia. It’s cold down there (check a heat map on your website to see what we mean) and hardly anyone wants to visit. 

But your blog is one of the most important aspects of your website where you can share lifestyle advice that centers around the culture of your product.   Where you can offer practical tips about using your products, announce new and exciting sales and special offers, and even share a little about yourself using some of the great products from your store. Put it where they can see it, flip through many interesting blog posts, and maybe even share your blog article if they found the information provided in it to be useful. 

And remember, search engines like Google and Bing love blog content, so make sure you are blogging frequently every month, to give your domain an organic traffic boost.

Special Offer Pop-Up Messages

A little word of warning before we begin to explain why the moderated use of pop up messages is valuable for your e-commerce business; don’t use too many of them.  

There is nothing that turns a customer away faster, than a website that has constant involuntary messages occurring all over the screen.

They are distracting, and depending on the design of the popup, really annoying if they have a concealed [X] button to close the window.  It’s one of the biggest crimes of online shopping and digital marketing experts are the first to agree, that sales can go straight out the window, if you inflict “death by popups” on your website. Consumers like special offers. 

Shopping online for the best deals feels a lot like hunting (because it is) for the best bargains.  So, when your shopper is happily clicking through all the amazing products that you have chosen to sell, they don’t mind a special offer.  

In fact, they really like them (when they are used correctly) and a popup app installed on your website can increase your per transaction sales volume.

What kind of offers are ideal to provide customers, when you flash them your popup?  Here are some things you can try:

  • A minimum qualified order bonus. For instance: “Save 15% on all orders over $75 dollars”.  Provide a coupon code that will enable the price adjustment when the customer moves to the cart checkout.
  • Free shipping with a qualified order. Because consumers hate spending money on shipping costs but are willing to spend more (and get more) if they can receive a special offer for free shipping. More is more for online shoppers.
  • An invitation to subscribe to your email list. Now, people don’t like to get a lot of emails, but if subscribing to receive 1-3 emails from your store a month helps them qualify for a coupon on their next order?  Most customers will happily sign up for an incentive.
  • A free eBook.

Creating a piece of enjoyable reading for your customer, that helps them learn more about you and the culture and lifestyle behind your store, helps to both recruit and retain customers. 

If your shop sells pet supplies, for example, then maybe a short eBook on puppy training, or essentials for first time pet owners? 

Something helpful that tells a story about your business, and your passion for the lifestyle and niche products.

And if you are not much of a writer, head over to one of many freelance websites like or Upwork and outsource the content piece.  You can source one in about 3-5 days and will want to keep it short and sweet with a great layout, full of pictures and product suggestions. 

And if you are an Amazon Affiliate, and you have your products also listed on Amazon, you can also embed your affiliate links in the eBook, to boost your monthly commission.

The other great thing about an eBook is that you can link it as a free gift to an email subscriber and management system like Mail Chimp. 

When the customer subscribes, they get a confirmation and a link to download the book.  It can help you grow your email distribution or ‘fan’ list faster. Do you have these content marketing tools fine tuned on your website? 

Are there other tools that you would like to suggest to our readers?  Leave us a comment or email us your suggestion(s) and we may feature you tip in an upcoming blog post or podcast.

To learn more about how Dropified can help your dropshipping business thrive over the coming months and years just click the button below and get started with a FREE TRIAL today!

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